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Update: Why Does The Moon Shine Whilst I am Trying To Sleep?

We are busy working on our children's illustrated book 'Why Does The Moon Shine Whilst I am Trying To Sleep?' The book (written and illustrated by Ian Dent at White Hole) was 1 of 5 projects selected from over 90 applications in 2010 to receive a grant from the Norwegian Illustrator's fund. Our commitment to other projects has prevented us from completing the book sooner but we are happy to be back on track and hope that this will be the final push!

We are producing the illustrations by building 3-dimensional models and photographing them. The photos of the sets, models and drawings are then edited to produce the 'final' illustrations. Examples of the 'finished' illustrations can be seen here

To give you an idea of the process, we have taken photos of the different stages of production. The picture to the left is the model and set used for shots of the moon. More pictures showing how we constructed the set can be seen here
This is the model house that we are currently building. The exterior walls are more or less complete and the final job is to add the windows and door before we begin work on the interior. We will be posting pictures weekly so that you can watch the illustrations evolve. 

It is a long process but we believe these results could not be achieved any other way! Follow the process here on our blog, Facebook and Twitter.

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