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Illustrations and book design completed! Plus more from John Hughes collaboration

We are excited to announce that we have completed all of the illustrations, redrafted and expanded the text, and designed 14 double-page spreads! 
Over the coming weeks, we will be presenting the work to 
publishing companies in Norway. If you know of any publishers that may be interested in the book, please let us know. We would like to talk to as many publishers as possible and we are interested in publishing the book in different languages. 

This is one of the final illustrations from the story showing the main character waving goodbye to the astronauts after they have dropped him off at home.

Now that all of the preliminary production work is complete for the children's book, we are focussing on our collaborative project with Oslo-based photographer and writer, John Hughes. 

We have already posted one sketch from the project and here's another one about the complexities of interpreting and explaining abstract art.

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